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What We Do

Global IE currently provides support for education projects in several countries throughout the globe. Our programs can be categorized into three main areas. Click on the links below for a detailed description of the specific program, what countries are benefitting or have benefited from the program, and  impacts and results.


 Student Grants


19 primary students have received assistance. (plus 1 student whose education level is unknown)


secondary (high school) students received assistance and graduated.


post-secondary (College) education students received assistance for at least one semester of education.

Over the years approximately 96 students from 18 countries have received assistance.

This program provides funds for students to gain a cross-cultural education through attending schools outside of their homelands or cultural heritage. The primary goal is to enable students to develop cultural awareness and sensitivity to those different than themselves.  This not only enriches their own development but also will enrich their home country when they return. Student Grant funds are sent by Global IE directly to the school/university attended and not to the student or student's family.


The amount of funds available for a given student is dependent on the donations. The student’s parents assist Global IE in soliciting contributions from family, friends, and sympathetic organizations to fund the program. Global IE will assist in funding a child’s education in extreme financial need as funds are available.


We have had a total of 103 children in the program over its 22 years. We currently have 47 students from 19 families in 14 countries this program.

Global IE Student Grant Program has been a huge blessing to our family.  We have a special needs son who was adopted from Russia.  We were told about an amazing college that is focused on special needs young adults and helping them attain appropriate independence. We were excited about it but we were doubtful that we could afford it.  Then we found out about the possibility of scholarships through Global IE which has made it possible for our son to attend Shepherds College and be blessed.
                         -T. Bartkowski 


Leadership Development

The objective of the program is the further training of students in developing countries that are already showing promise and leadership skills.  Leadership training includes developing the skills, knowledge, and qualities of economic self-reliance, understanding social and cultural capital, an appreciation for lifelong learning, creativity, conflict-resolution and team-building skills, ethics, morality, and more.


Training for economic self-reliance includes either vocational or academic training programs. Since many of the attributes of leadership training are not addressed by training institutions, we require the active participation and assessments of a ‘coach’. Coaching of the students throughout the year is expected.



Mauritania and Morocco 182.JPG

We have had a total of 31 students in the program over its 22 years.

( 2 Students)
( 2 Students)
(16 Students)
( 6 Students)

Students taking advantage of this program are recommended by an affiliate.  The selection and mentoring, of students in the program are by the local country affiliate office of Global IE. 


Mobile Education Program

Learn about our three types of activities currently underway:


The provision of projectors, laptops, and tablet computers have long been provided for the assistance in training both on site at a training center or off-site in small gatherings. Rooms to conduct training sometimes do not have line power and frequently do not have air conditioning or filtered air so equipment must be robust and often battery powered.  Thus far we have provided equipment to the following locations:


  • INDIA - The tablet/projector is used for training mothers and young woman on their value and how to raise children. It is also for teacher training in classroom management, learning styles and writing skills.

  • KYRGYZSTAN - The equipment is used for a variety of programs including teaching teens about human trafficking, training doctors and parents of children with Down's syndrome on the nature of the disability and teaching parents ways to raise children with disability so they grow to their maximum potential.

  • MAURITANIA - The tablet/projector system is used for English language training in the capital city and to provide educational videos to people within remote villages. A new projector has recently been purchased for the classroom setting as an earlier one is dying.

  • TAJIKISTAN - The equipment provides training for primary and secondary school teachers on hygiene, sickness prevention, first aid (medical) and science and other classes. For kindergarten teachers it is used for teaching methods and perspective on the children's value to society.

  • PALESTINE – A tablet is used for after-school math help to villages in isolated pockets of the West Bank.

  • UZBEKISTAN – The equipment is used for English language and business training.

  •  OMAN- The equipment is used for Chinese language training in the capital. Chinese companies are hiring extensively in the country.

In Class/Portable
Training Resources

Resource and training centers frequently have limited access to paper copies of books that would be useful to their clientele. The eLibrary project is designed to provide access to non-copyrighted books for a wider range of students than possible through physical book lending. Very small inexpensive local (in-house) WiFi servers can be set up to provide access to chosen content within relatively small areas. The server can contain many books, videos, and presentations for unlimited download. The users then can link to the WiFi signal and download content on laptops, tablets, or smart phones. This provides staff with unequaled opportunities to resource educational content for children and adults in various resource centers.


*We still need someone tech-savvy to complete configure and map the ebook files on the WiFi hotspot servers.


Educational opportunities may be limited for many that do not live near our affiliate’s offices. We seek to provide linkages to currently available, unaffiliated programs for these people.


The Mobile Education program equips on-site staff with opportunities to create cross-cultural relationships and educate their communities by providing quality educational content.


The mobile education program was first initiated in 2013. This program provides mobile educational platforms and materials for supplemental education and skills training. Platforms are used in both rural and urban settings among those with limited educational opportunities. 

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