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Training Aid and Various Other Needs for Kyrgyzstan


Our non-profit is currently seeking funding for a project that will help us print training materials and purchase gifts for participants in seminars on the prevention of human trafficking and the abuse of alcohol and drugs at school in Kyrgyzstan. We are also hoping to use the funds to teach students about how to maintain hygiene and not get infected from Covid-19. Your generous donations will help us reach our goal of providing these important services to those in need. 


  • Training Materials, Seminar Participant Gifts, COVID-19 education: $2400 per year.

  • Travel and operational costs for training events in Kyrgyzstan: $1000 per trip (includes accommodation, transportation costs, materials, and coffee breaks).

  • Trips Planned to Naryn (2), Osh (1), and Karakol (1): $4000  per year.

  • Office Rent in Krygyzstan which is used to meet with the team and plan meetings, prepare seminars, and conduct meetings in small groups: $6000 per year.

  • Salary of Office Employees in Kyrgyzstan (accountant, project coordinator): $400 monthly; $4800 per year.

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